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17oct(oct 17)09:0028(oct 28)16:00AquaRelax méthode Cellul’eau
Event Details
AquaRelax Cellul’eau Training Event Name: AquaRelax Cellul’eau Method Training Dates: Module 1: October 17-20,
Event Details
AquaRelax Cellul’eau Training
Event Name: AquaRelax Cellul’eau Method Training
- Module 1: October 17-20, 2024
- Module 2: October 24-28, 2024
Polynesia Watsu Center, Mo’orea, French Polynesia
Total Duration:
64 hours spread over two modules of 4 days each, with a few days between sessions to allow participants to practice and integrate the learnings.
Training Objective:
This training aims to certify operators in the AquaRelax Cellul’eau method, a water-based relaxation technique developed over ten years. It combines bodywork techniques with a recent approach that links water, body cells, and their memory. As the human body is mainly composed of fluids, this method aligns with a holistic understanding of the body’s needs.
The primary goals of this training are:
- To teach participants how to master care protocols, techniques, and modalities of the AquaRelax Cellul’eau method.
- To equip operators with skills to work in a variety of settings (pools, spas, thermal centers, thalassotherapy centers, etc.) and cater to a diverse range of clients.
- To address practical elements such as water-related fears, ease of touch, and considerations of client intimacy.
Training Structure:
- First Module (October 17-20): Introduction to the method, learning basic techniques, and exploring the relationship between water and body cells.
- Second Module (October 24-28): Reviewing techniques, making adjustments, and deepening care protocols. Participants will have the opportunity to practice between modules to reinforce their skills.
Practical Information:
- No prerequisites are required to attend the training.
- Certification: A diploma will be awarded to participants who complete both modules.
- Price: 120,000 XPF
- Full Training Description: Download here
Registration and Contact:
For registration and more information, please contact:
Phone: (+33) 06 77 01 68 72 -
Phone: (+689) 87 20 56 55
For more information about training dates and other courses, visit the French Watsu School website: Watsu Training Calendar.
Program Overview:
- Unique method combining aquatic relaxation with cellular memory work.
- Intensive 64-hour training split into two modules.
- Certified diploma enabling work in various wellness centers and aquatic environments.
- Practical and holistic approach addressing water-related fears, touch, and client comfort.
This event offers a full immersion into the world of aquatic wellness, set in the serene location of Mo’orea, providing participants with the opportunity to master a unique skill set in a rapidly growing field.
17 (Thursday) 09:00 - 28 (Monday) 16:00
Watsu Polynesia Center
Moorea-Maiao, French Polynesia