Aquatic Bodywork in Moorea Island


Water Therapy in Moorea Island

Watsu® is based on gentle stretchings and movements which are given to the receiver who is supported from the Watsu practitioner in warm water. We look to stretch muscles and open joints in a free and creative flow  which increases flexibility and range of motion.

Watsu® allows movements in ways impossible on land.

Warm water, and the continuos support it provides, is ideal for freeing the spine. It takes the way of the vertebrae and relaxes the muscles. Helps to find a nourishing relaxed state of the Nervous System, to enter in a aware state of being and to calm physical and mental tentions.

It amplify the perception of your own breath in to the passive movements.



Imagine you are relaxing in an exquisitely beautiful pool on the magical island of Moorea in the South Seas. And, in this pool you are provided a profound healing journey by a magnificent healer and master of the sacred art of watsu. Yes, this does exist and I was most fortunate to have this experience yesterday.

Experiencing Carlos del Pino and his watsu treatment is an absolute must on your visit to Moorea. You will be transported in time and space and your body, mind and spirit will be forever changed in the most marvelous ways.


Moorea September 2022


Le Jardin Spa & Beauty - Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort

That is the dreamy essence of Watsu, a form aquatic bodywork that moves the recipient through a series of yoga-like stretches & gentle massage. It’s a deeply peaceful dance that is based on Zen Shiatsu. The receiver gets to float, completely relaxed, and just focus on releasing deeper and deeper layers of tension.

Le Jardin Spa & Beauty - Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort
Le Jardin Spa & Beauty - Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort


Imagine floating on your back in a hot spring, the warm water bubbling and swirling around your skin as you sink deeper and deeper into bliss… Now imagine that in the water you’re being gently cradled and moved through a series of gentle stretches, movements, and light massage while you float.

Le Jardin Spa & Beauty - Sofitel Moorea Ia Ora Beach Resort

La mia prima sessione di WATSU è stata incredibile; non mi sarei mai aspettata un esperienza cosi completa e avvolgente a livello sensoriale ,emotivo, fisico e spirituale. Da massaggiatrice pensavo che il massaggio fosse il massimo che una persona possa sperimentare per il benessere psico- fisico ma il WatSu è davvero qualcosa di più; è un dolce ritorno al ventre materno dove sentirsi cullati amati e supportati e dove è possibile lasciare andare tutte le proprie resistenze. Da rifare assolutamente, grazie mille.


Massage Practitioner

Imagine you are relaxing in an exquisitely beautiful pool on the magical island of Moorea in the South Seas. And, in this pool you are provided a profound healing journey by a magnificent healer and master of the sacred art of watsu. Yes, this does exist and I was most fortunate to have this experience yesterday.

Experiencing Carlos del Pino and his watsu treatment is an absolute must on your visit to Moorea. You will be transported in time and space and your body, mind and spirit will be forever changed in the most marvelous ways.


Moorea September 2022

“A truly sacred experience! The process of surrendering layers of the self to access pure essence, perfectly supported and suspended between heaven and earth. Thank you so much Carlos for your profound facilitation”


Les yeux fermés, bercée par les mouvements doux et les caresses de l’eau, on perd nos repères et la notion du temps.
Je ne m’attendais pas du tout à ces sensations ; ayant déjà profité de massages « classiques », thaï, ou Enseignant, j’ai été très surprise de ne pas sentir de points de pressions mais plutôt d’être massée toute entière par l’eau ! Carlos fait corps avec nous et ses manipulations, plus ou moins dynamiques, nous étirent, nous massent, nous bercent. Les sons qui nous parviennent sont étouffés : on se laisse aller, notre corps « fond » dans l’eau.

Lorsque la séance se termine, Carlos nous ramène doucement les pieds « sur terre », en contact avec le fond de la piscine, on reprend conscience de ce qui nous entoure. On souhaiterais rester ici encore longtemps avant de retrouver les effets de la gravité en sortant de l’eau.

Cindy – Enseignant de Yoga & Pilates

Cela se passe à l’intérieur de la piscine , l’eau est à bonne température.Soutenu et guidé par Carlos, je me laisse aller , je me sens comme un bébé dans le ventre de sa maman.Je pars à la dérive, je voyage je ne sais où, je vois des souvenirs joyeux ressurgir.
Je me sens bien tout simplement.
Mon corps est léger comme une plume, cela fait longtemps que je n’étais pas aussi détendu qu’à ce moment de bienveillance.
Tout doucement je reviens à moi, c’est juste inexplicable ce que j’ai vécu.
Tout ce que je peux dire c’est que je le referais encore .Le WATSU est un très beau soin et je le recommande à tous .
Merci infiniment One Soul Spa pour ce magnifique voyage à la rencontre de son être, de son soi , de son moi intérieur.

David – Artiste

Our Water BodyWorks

Visit us for a treatment  

Wellness in Water

Toning & Detox intensive treatment


Watsu is the technique of Shiatsu adapted for water.
This is a gentle therapy practiced in hot water (or heated to 33 ° C). It combines gentle movements, stretching and rocking.
This experience is a great letting go; your inner nature begins to open in all its richness.Being in warm water soothes the mind and gives a feeling of well-being and peace. Floating, almost weightless, brings a feeling of lightness and transforms the perception of time and space. The connection between water and the origin of life is indisputable.

All that brings the unit has an incomparable healing force.

50 min | 23.000 cfp | € 193


Skin protection treatment

FLUID WATER (Above & Below)

The treatment begins at the surface of the water where you are gently floated and moved through a series of stretches to warm up the body. At this stage the practitioner’s focus is to guide you into a state of deep relaxation as preparation to go under the water.

Extensions, stretches, flexions, dolphin-like movements and snake-like rhythms are performed in body temperature water.

A sensory journey of deep consciousness.

50 min | 23.000 cfp | € 193


  • Improves muscle tone
  • Improves range of motions
  • Improves overall alignment
  • Improves quality of breaths
  • Improves sleeping patterns
  • Balances overall circulation and heart rate
  • Decreases pain
  • Decreases anxiety and emotional pain

Useful booking information

Please read carefully before booking

 Pre-booking is essential for all reservations and subject to availability

When to arrive

To take better advantage of your treatment session you are encouraged to arrive at WATSU® POLYNESIA Center 15 minutes before the beginning of your treatment.  Please keep in mind that arriving late may result in a reduction of the time required for your treatment.

Treatment Reservation

Write us if you want a consultation regarding your selected treatment. All treatments are subject to our schedule availability. Please fill the form below  to book your treatment.

You can write to relax@onesoulspa.comr for any reservation.

Treatment for couples

Reserve both your Watsu session, the treatments will be performed one by one. During the waiting time you can relax in our relaxing area.

Health Conditions

Please inform us about your health condition: pregnancy, allergies, recent medical or cosmetics interventions or incidents that may affect our service.


You can cancel your reservation up to 24 hours in advance of the time set for your treatment. Please note that past this limit there will be a charge of 100%.

Book your treatment now!

Fill the form below


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    Acquatic Body Treatments: